




  • 喜讯|上饶市建筑科技产业园再添一项新荣誉——杜鹃花奖! 202在一年10月10日,湖南省居住房和村镇搭建搭建厅正式发布并于202在一年度然后批湖南省创新型搭建过程中杜鹊花奖入围过程中名单表通知公告,宏盛建业投資集团公司简介房建过程中内容——上饶市房屋建筑科技创新产业的发展园-总部基地城市发展园(地底室、2-4楼),评选为“杜鹊花奖”。 See More
  • 最美逆行者——李春光 3月28日扬州市表明疫情报告,30日全方面封城,宏盛建业集团有限子工厂安徽分子工厂管理者李春色,一是时段及时申请办理建立到志原填报者第一列中,他也是这群逆旅人中的两位。据熟悉,他每日任务的运行从清早12点起始终到白天12点尾声,不间断运行15个小的时候,每天都在要给几百人做核酸检查测量,忙完回家都就已经 是后半夜。炎炎暑天,高溫炎热,预防服下已经是汗流浃背。他始终在无怨无悔做着志原填报功能运行,当子工厂熟悉到相应现状后,他怎么会很不当意思就,人认为各自而是尽没事点绵薄之心,做没事件微严重不足道的聊聊生活的小事。 See More
  • 赣州市发改委调研组赴经开区文化艺术中心项目调研指导 2022年4月5日,赣州市不断成长 和改革的实质联合会会调查组带班,同高新区资金不断成长 局,赣州中央新闻广播智能电视机台,客家中央新闻网乐投Letou体育相应担任人通往赣州学历艺术性主内容部此次调查专向债安全使用状态,施工现场协商避免助推过程中 中长期存在的思路。 See More


  • The underground ancillary facilities of Harbin Taipin International Airport of Heilongjiang Province
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    The underground ancillary facilities of Harbin Taipin International Airport of Heilongjiang Province
    According to the demand of handing capacity of 18 million passengers at the year 2020, 175 thousands tons of cargo and the design requirement of 141,000 take-offs and landings per year, Haibin Taipin International Airport will be formally expanded with a total investment of 4.619 million yuan, covering a newly built T2 with 166,000 square meters and a formal terminal which will be expanded from the 66,000 sauqre metersto more than 100,000 square meters, and the newly buil 45 occupancies for airplane.
  • Sewage-treatment plant in wangcheng New District, Nangchang City, Jiangxi Province
    Municipal public
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    Sewage-treatment plant in wangcheng New District, Nangchang City, Jiangxi Province
    With the construction area of 10065 square meters, the project involved sewage treatment plant, office complex, oxidation ditch and secondary sedimentation tank in wangcheng New District of Nangchang City.
  • Vehicle Landscape Corridor Bridge and Chinese Waterfront Street in Xixiang County,Hangzhou City,Shaanxi Province
    Municipal public
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    Vehicle Landscape Corridor Bridge and Chinese Waterfront Street in Xixiang County,Hangzhou City,Shaanxi Province
    The project total cost is 232 million yuan, it located in core zone of Xixiang County of Hangzhong City, go corss Muma River 256*52 meters, three composite bridges with independent foundations are adopted in the bridge body, including a Class A Highway Bridge of 16 meters width in center, a gallery bridge 18 meters wide on each side, building area is 11000 square meters on bridge. The appearance of the project adopts Han-Tang Style with solemnity and diginity, it will be the Asia's Largest Vehicle Landscape Commercial Corridor Bridge.
  • Cross-River Tunnel of Longyao Road, Shanghai
    Municipal public
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    Cross-River Tunnel of Longyao Road, Shanghai
    The tunnel connecting two sides of Huangpu River is about 4 kilometers with two holes and four lanes,which is regarded as the supporting project of Shanghai World Expo. The main road line is designed with a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.
  • Longtan Hydropower Station in Guangxi Province
    Water Resources and Hydropower
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    Longtan Hydropower Station in Guangxi Province
    As the "West-to-East Power Tansmission" landmark project and the key project of the western development,Longtan Hydropower Station is the second largest hydropower station in China following the Three Gorgers Hydropower Station. The design water level is 400 meters, the dam height is 216.5 meters, the dam crest length is 836 meters, the storage capacity is 27.3 billion cubic meters, the installed capacity is 6.3 million kilowatts, and the annual power generation capacity is 18.7 billion kilowatt-hours.